Tuesday 20 October 2015

Enjoying Everyday Life

Hi Guys!!!

Hope you're all doing wonderfully well. It's been a while since I've posted but its all for a good reason. I'm out here hustling, trying to bring home some bacon so please bare with me. 

A while back, I was watching Joyce Meyer (She's a world famous minister for those of you who don't know) and she was preaching about enjoying everyday life, the way God intended for us to enjoy it. 

Her story is very inspirational and is relevant to my life at the moment and hopefully sharing it will help someone out there. 

Joyce Meyer and her Husband gave up their jobs for ministry upon God's instructions. For many years they had to trust in God for basic needs such as socks and underwear, and were buying shoes at a garage sales. Can you imagine how much courage and commitment that took? giving up a perfectly good job to follow God's instructions? phenomenal!

They were short of money every month, but God always answered their prayers, even when they wanted to give up, he gave her the will to keep going.

A lesson she learned from this is that God sometimes tests us to see if we're doing things for the right reasons in our hearts. I'm sure we have all had a similar experience, where doing the right thing feels like the hardest thing you have ever done. 

Philippians 4:7 and 1Peter 5:6 teach us how to show humility by not worrying, because when you worry you're basically telling God what to do. 

As Christians, we have to have the gift of not knowing, just like in Proverbs 3:7, we are reminded not be wise in our own eyes but to fear the Lord and depart from evil. I have come to learn that when you worry, you are actually torturing yourself, and self torment is a form of evil so stop it! Don't live in worry! Enjoy life and lean on to GOD! 

Personally,I am a natural worrier. Anyone that knows me very well will tell you how much I can worry and how self critical I am,so this is something I am still seeking God's help for, to be still and know that he is Lord. 

                        "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"
                           1 corinthians 10:31

prayer: Father God, mighty is my God, who covers me, keeps me and protects me from the evil hand of the enemy. There are times when I will struggle, face trials and gave tests. If this should happen today, help me to show the world your glory. Amen

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