Thursday 1 October 2015


If someone asked me to describe myself academically I would say "I am passionate, determined and hardworking" but lately I know I have not been a reflection of any of these words. I'm carrying huge baggage called INCONSISTENCY that's holding me back from becoming the person I was created to be, and that's NOT ok with me.

I have come to realise that you may be the most passionate, driven, focused and hardworking individual on this planet, but the minute you become CONSISTENTLY inconsistent, you're toying with the possibility of walking down a path of CONSISTENT failure and defeat.

I have an entire notebook filled with things I want to do and achieve such as future plans or day-to-day tasks, but lately I find that 65% of the time these things get left undone, and the result of that is having to deal with feeling inadequate. This is something I have previously touched on, you can read more on that here.

Yesterday I came back from a 6 week trip and It's given me so much time to reflect and analyse where I've gone wrong. I got to really assess when I stopped believing in myself and my capabilities,and I established that my lack of self belief and self-confidence is the reason for my inconsistency. 

As a person, I'm very analytical and self critical so I can NEVER be ok with mediocracy because I know I wasn't build or created to just coast through life with contentment of not achieving my goals.I also discovered that our childhood and what is around us as children shapes part of who we become as adults. 

There was a LOT of negativity around me during my childhood,and I felt as though most of it was centred around my lack of capabilities, which led to me feeling inadequate and over the years I promised myself that I would do everything in my power NOT to succumb to those criticisms.That shaped part of who I am today and that's the beauty pf life, realising our faults and mistakes and having the opportunity to rectify and learn daily. 

SO.....Here are the few thing I have changed and implemented which have helped me greatly:

1.  Stop being Negative: Now that you've made a healthy choice of being honest with yourself, start being positive. Focus on your strengths and positive attributes and set your goals according to them.

2. Set Specific Goals: Get a Journal/Planner and write down things you want to achieve or accomplish on a specific day/date. When you reflect back and see how much or little you've achieved, it should motivate you to keep up the good work or to pull up your socks. 

3. Start Slowly: If you try to do too much all at once, you'll overwhelm yourself and may find that you're back at square one. Structure your goals according to importance and relevance.

4. Say it and Show it : As we all know, actions speak MUCH louder than words. If you say you're going to do something, take the responsibility of actually DOING it, after all this is your life and well-being we are talking about!

5. Succeed: Now that you have it in your mind to succeed, and you're doing all the right things to work towards your mission and goal, the universe has no choice but to heed to your desires, It can never be easy, but it will be worth it!

     Let's chat:  What are your thoughts? Have you struggled with inconsistency? if so, how did you overcome it? 

with Love 

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