Sunday 3 March 2013

Breathe... Until it all stops

Disappointment and sorrow have always dominated her life...

Distraught and confused, wondering when luck will strike...

A girl so lost, a girl so wounded...
yet she's strong enough to smile and laugh out loud.

Engulfed in misery, surrounded by failure from the world's perspective

When will she win? When will she rest from the pain that knocks on every corner of a damaged heart?

Like a deserted island, she possesses a beauty that nobody can see.

Her eyes as blue as the ocean and clear seas
But what she has seen, nobody can know what it means....

A girl who's soul is so much in fire, she screams out for The Lord to save her

She lays at night, praying to escape from the hell she calls life.
All she wants is the heaven she used to know...

The heaven that was ripped away from her when he went laying in her arms....

When kissed her red lips of dishonesty
When he ripped off her garments of disloyalty...

She was the devil in a black dress, the perfect representation of the soul that lived in a body filled with deceit

Her two pieces of heaven came together, to perfectly create a world of hell for her...

She can not escape, she can not breathe...
For the devil in the black dress.... birthed her 24 years ago

She can not escape...
Breathe... Focus... Breathe.....

Until it all stops.

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