Wednesday 15 July 2015

So you've graduated... Now what?!

Graduation, 15 July 2015 - RGU

First of all, Congratulations on completing this phase in your life. It wasn't easy but we MADE IT!! Lord knows how happy I am to be finally done with university,and to come out the other end but by his Grace and Mercy, this is only the beginning of greater things to come!

I'm slowly discovering that being a graduate comes with its own negativity and pressure, the first being finding a job in this economy which can be very frustrating. Trust me, I'm currently going through that same struggle and it's NOT easy, most specially when it feels as though everybody and their cousins are getting graduate jobs while nothing seems to be coming your way, but please DONT stress. 

Another challenge people are dealing with is not getting their desired grades, and feeling as though their degrees are useless but it's not true. Is it going be easy? Nope, but it's definitely possible for you to be just as successful as those who got better grades than you if you apply yourself and make that extra effort. 

Remember, we all have different journeys in life, not all roads lead to the same destination so you have to learn to follow your own path. What works for one person, may not work for you so stop depressing yourself by focusing on someone else's journey. 
Aim to get to a place in life where you're so busy watering your own grass, that you have no time left to notice that their grass is greener than yours. 

Take time to understand your strengths and weaknesses, study your gifts. What are you good at? What can you channel your energy into in order for you to gain that success that you're after? What do you enjoy doing? 

For me, success is doing something that brings you happiness and contentment, money is just the cherry on top. So therefore I believe if you focus on that,the rest shall follow. Staying at home and feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help you. 
Use that negativity to achieve positive things, It sounds weird but it works. Let the sadness of not being where you want to be, motivate you to be BETTER, to aim higher and to achieve those goals you set out for yourself, even if it may take you a little while, know that you will get there at the time you're meant to! 

1. Stay organised - write down a daily plan of the tasks and missions you want to achieve for the day, this will help you stay on track.

2. Keep a record of all the jobs you apply for on a daily basis, so it can give you an idea of whether you're doing enough to secure that job, and keep you motivated.

3. Print lots of copies of your CV and deliver them physically to the vacancies you've seen, sometimes the internet isn't the only answer - Break down those doors.

4. Update your CV. Send it to friends or anyone that has experience in CV's for them to advice you on how you can make it more appealing. 

5. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY - Now that you've put in all the work, apply faith! Even if you're not Christian, prayer changes all things. God has the final say! 

Best of Luck to you! 

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