Wednesday 14 November 2012

The fashion behind African Traditional wear

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by Traditional African attire. All the different fabrics, patters, colors and shapes always caught my eyes from an early ages of being a little girl in church. 
I would always look forward to church on Sunday because I was eager to see what new gowns and headpieces the ladies at church would be wearing, from then I  knew that my passion for clothes and fashion was born.
For me, African Traditional clothing is more than just fabric. It tells a story of our roots as African, it shows how proud we are of who we are but it also reflects the ability and beauty of all our talents. 
My Grandmother has always been a seamstress so a lot of ladies at church would often come to her for their traditional gowns. At times I would sit with her by the sewing machine and help her with cutting fabrics and measuring clients and its safe to say that I was a natural, well according to my Grandmother anyway but hey what else is she meant to say? perhaps she was just using me 

I knew from then on that clothes would be a part of who I am, from the way they make you feel to the way they make you look, I loved everything about it. What attracted me the most to it all was the togetherness the clothes brought and still brings in the church community. Its simply fascinating how looking good and creating colorful clothing can bring people together so well, a simple piece of fabric can hold so much history and love that puts everything into perspective. 

                                This Image is a perfect example of the beauty behind African clothing. The quality of the fabric is so rich and full of life. This brings out the beauty in any woman.

                                                  This Headpiece is a traditional head wear in Nigeria called 'Gele'. It is worn during traditional gatherings and functions and there is a unique technique used to tie it. Amazing right?

 The make up on this woman is so perfect as it complements her traditional wear so well. This is her on her wedding day, so it shows that African women are proud to adorn their traditional wear at all important events in their lives. Her dress has a modern twist to it with the added lace and diamante embroidery.
Over the years, African Clothing has evolved so much that it is not only an attire that is to be worn only at traditional functions and parties, but has become a cool fashion statement for anyone that wants to be seen as edgy, trendy and stylish. Many Celebrities such as Rihanna, Solange Knowles and Beyonce have been seen out wearing African print inspired outfits with an urban twist. 
For anyone that loves fashion and clothes, it is pretty much obvious what make African outfits desirable and unique. It is hardly possible for you to find someone wearing a similar outfit to yourself as each outfit has a personal twist to it, almost as if you can express your personality through clothing which is the desired effect for any fashion lover and trend setters out there

Rihanna and Solange Knowles in African print

This is a perfect example of how African clothing can look so versatile and fashionable. It doesn't have to be boring and 'Old school' but rather trendy and fashionable as you can see  

               How Fabulous does singer Kellis look in this African print dress? Love it!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

A Rare Night out

Hey Guys

I know I haven't really dedicated much time to this blog of late, but I've been so busy recently trying to get everything back on track with work and what not but I promise I will be more frequent in my postings.
I have so much to share in terms of things I've bought, projects I'm doing and poetry I'd like to share, but that will all be up on my next entry.
Anyway, I hope you all had a Fabulous weekend (with no throw up and hang overs lol). I had a great one, went our with a few friends, so had a blast ☺

Dress : H&M
Shoes : Office
Makeup- Mac (Ruby Woo lipstick)

I also bought the CUTEST nude pins from Newlook (Must have)

Feel free to ask any Question or make suggestion....

Lots of Love
Bree xoxo

Friday 28 September 2012

This Tall Man/This Short Woman

                                                                            This Tall Man

In the middle of what has to be the most boring lecture in the history of Lectures, I Stare blankly at the lecturer who sits in front of me, she’s talking but her words are foreign to my uninterested ears ‘. My mind drifts and I think ‘Oh how I wish I wasn’t here’…. I yawn then let out a wishful sigh dreaming of another place very far from the reality that faces me. Its 2:22pm and the seconds are dragging whilst the minuets feel like days away.
I close my eyes for a brief second that feel like an eternity and picture him; suddenly I feel the corners of my mouth forming an unaware smile as I Gaze into space, entering into a world that only I know about. I see him… he’s looking at me ever so peacefully. His brown eyes are filled with a kindness that I immediately recognize as peace. 

The last time I saw these eyes, we were in a room filled with people and loud music attempting to drown us out but yet we still found a way to have a meaningful conversation about, well nothing. The funny thing is that ‘nothing’ never felt so much like everything. I was in awe of this tall character that stood in front of me, so poised, well spoken, grounded and I must say I felt intrigued. We had so much in common and conversation flowed naturally.  
I find myself making plans, plans of doing things I have never done before and making him the subject. My mind is curious, anxious and excited to find out the endless possibilities that await me the next time my eyes have the pleasure of being in his presence. I want to know how his lips taste when he kisses me, how will it feel? Will he be gentle but act with burning passion? I guess I have to wait and see… I wonder how his hands will feel against my skin when he touches me, will he know the right places to touch to make me feel safe?, how to touch a girl and make her feel like a woman? I guess only time can tell.

I know the plans I have for him, Plans that will make him feel like a man and leave him wanting more….. But what does this tall character have planned for me?  That remains to be known. What I wonder, is will he be strong enough to take me all the way, or will he leave me lurking and yearning for more of his warm embrace?  Will it just be a matter of a meaningless frantic tumble that leads to regretfully getting out of his bed and out the door before daylight with a shy ‘goodbye’ and creeping home wondering ‘what if’.

This tall man with caramel skin is more than just any ordinary man, he is one with an intellectual mind that stimulate the creativity that lies within me… a man who sees beyond black and  white, boobs and behind but rather  chooses to see the colour and purity of all that is life.
But this tall man is not mine to have, he is not mine to smell nor is he mines to touch and hold in my arms knowing that everything will be ok. He is a man with whom I see many possibilities; I see many first which will be held as great memories to come, a tall man who makes me smile with a simple hello, knowing that even goodbye will hold a sweet scent to be cherished with each hour spent together.
But this tall man keeps appearing in my head, and I know he’s out there.... somewhere far away, waiting to be found......

In His Word.....

This Short  Woman

It's 3:04am, the atmosphere in the lightly dimmed room sensual. As I lay on my cream satin sheets I can't help but wonder if she's thinking of me, because this short woman has been on my mind all day. Ever since that day I laid eyes on her, my attention was imprisoned by her, I was lost within a trance I couldn't help myself to snap out of. Thoughts of her coursed through my consciousness, her goddess like figure, her smile that would black out all the galaxies, her soft everflowing hair, I was drawn to everything about this short character, like the opposite ends of two magnets. I just had to say something, "Hi" but no that wasn't enough, anybody could say that, I needed to go even further, "What time does the last train leave?" At this rate she'll loose interest quicker than a kenyan chasing a bus. Finally I say something, and to my surprise she responds with a graceful smile *fistpumps*. As she speaks her bold words trapped within my mind, but I was lost within her gaze. I wasted no time in taking her number....and whatsapp.....and blackberry pin, because you can never be too sure these days.
Our minds, opinions, perspectives all in sync, heck it's probably backed up to the iCloud. I was astonished at how so much could fit within a small body, but that was not a question for me to ask because I was already satisfied with it's answer. 
But that was then, and this is now. I find myself lost within thoughts of what I'd do to her if she were with me at this very moment, in this room, on this bed. To show and make her feel what no man ever could, to make her feel superhuman with every touch and every kiss. To make her expect the unexpected because what I have in mind for her....only time can reveal. But I wonder if she'll respond in the way I want her to, or will she even be prepared for what i'll put her through? I toss and turn in bed, We'll see. We'll see if she has what it takes. We'll see.
Her name, just the thought of that name warms me. But alas, she's not mine to have, nor  to touch or to hold. But she is a woman, a woman with whom I see countless possibilities  a woman who inspires me with but a single smile, a woman who makes me feel more alive with simple sentences. I look forward to the memories we will the share, the moments we will cherish, the time we will spend.

(.........Blindfolded, hands tied, laying there helpless, her body unaware........)

My mind still roams....

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Scars we dont see, Hurt the Most. A Poem for Her

The Scars we don’t see, hurt the Most:
Dedication to my Best Friend

Forever searching and never finding
The love she knows that she deserves is somewhere out there but remains unknown
Always yearning for the loving touch she always heard about but never Understanding how to make it part of her story.
Days that are dark seem to linger and haunt her, they grab her and she calls out for the happiness that she can only dream about.
 Late at night she lays in the bed that embraces her so warmly, wondering when love will make itself at home.
She calls out, but her voice is frozen in the mist of the cold world she lives in, she’s still searching but never finding.
Will she ever see the beauty that my eyes see when I look into her soul?

I see the heart of a Strong black woman, wounded but never broken
I see a deserving person, who shines with generosity and nobleness
I see a Sister that was chosen for me to call my own
I see a Best Friend that is always there when I need her most, a diamond that’s already polished

What does SHE see? 

Will she ever realize the wonderful Queen she was created to be?
Will she ever know the value she brings into my life, knowing that I would never change a thing?
She oozes with honesty, but is scarred with a past that she is always judged by
She can’t escape, 
she tries to hide and run but her feet never leave the ground.

I pray for her, pray harder than I pray for myself because she is the essence of everything needed in a friend

The epitome of the word ‘Loyal’, the meaning of the word ‘Reliable’ but most of all, Love is what she is to me.

Because the scars you don’t see, hurt her the most.
You will never know nor see the tears she cries at night, the scars that are imbedded  within but hidden by the warm smile she possesses, it is the make-up the masks the pain.

These are the scars I get to see, they are mine to heal.
I smile with a Joy in my heart, for I know that I will be there until the day the scars turn into a beautiful memory of the journey she has taken in life.

For it may hurt, but it will heal.
The Love I have for her will overshadow the pain that nobody sees,

For the scars you don’t see, Hurt the most

But to me she is……

Mini Update - My Weekend

Hey Guys!!

I know I've not posted anything or updated for a while and in all honesty, I keep forgetting about this blog as this whole public blogging thing is still a bit new to be so please bare with me. Im still warming up to it :)

I have SOOOO much things to blog about, I dont even know where to start.

The weekend is over *Boo-Hiss* so I guess its back to grinding we go.
I had an AH-MAY-ZING weekend, I was back in LONDON TOWN so I had a blast catching up with all my girls and boys who I miss TONS already and  cant wait to move back for good soon . I still worn out even though its wednesday now *sigh*

We had an eventful weekend filled with lots of laugher, giggles and puke from some people who couldnt hold their liquor at the house party we had LOL nonetheless it was so much fun. I havent had a chance to upload much pictures but I have one or two up on my Instagram (Miss_breBaby)

Here We go!!

Leggings: H&M
Top: TopShop
Necklace: TopShop
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Lita
Watch: Michael Kors

Ring: Topshop 

Comments Welcome

Twitter: @Miss_breBaby
Instagram: Miss_breBaby
email :

Lots of Love


Wednesday 12 September 2012

What I wore

Hey Guys, Just a Quick Update on my recent Outfit

So On sunday I decided to go out for a little shopping session and a bit of Lunch after church and I must say it was a Very Blessed Sunday Indeed.

I wore heels to service but took a pair of flats with me (Just in case) I'm sure we all do this, or perhaps I'm just a bit too 'Extra' lol

It was a Simple outfit

Jeans : TopShop
Blouse: Miss Selfridge
Blazer: H&M
Bag : New Look
Shoes: Primark
Earrings: Miss Selfridge
Ring: TopShop
Belt: Primark
Please feel free to leave any comments or Questions
Lots Of Love
Bree XoX

Saturday 8 September 2012

Hello Lovelies!!

So I've FINALLY decided to make a publlic blog (eeeeeek!!) and I am SO nervous about this seeing as there are already SO many AH-MAY-ZING blogs and tumblr pages out there so thought 'Who on earth would want to view yours Bree' LOL but nonetheless,quite a lot of people that follow me on Twitter (@Miss_breBaby) and Instagram have asked me why I dont have a blog or when i'm going to make my current blogs public so thought it would be best to make a new one of which i'll use as a Journal for things that Interest me.

Anyway Guys, I'll mainly be posting all things fashion, some will be my outfits/accessories and general fashion topics and i'll also cover a few personal thing when I can such as my Poetry, Music and beauty tips etc so this will be a very Girly blog

Thank you ever so much for all the kindess thus far, Hope you guys enjoy this Journey. Feel free to post suggestions/requests etc, We can all learn from each other.

With Love,Pink Kisses