Tuesday 28 October 2014

"This long distance is killing me" *singing like Brandy lol

Long Distance relationships are definitely risky, and if you are unfortunate enough to be far away from your significant other, the prospect of potentially ruining your relationship can seem daunting. Just because long distance relationships are difficult, doesn't mean they're impossible. Simple adjustments to your attitude and lifestyle can help you keep your loved one in your life. Here are a few tips that can help... Trust me.. I know! Talking from experience 

1. Communication, communication!! - I can't stress enough how important communication in a LDR (long distance relationship) well ANY Relationship is, so make sure you keep the lines of communication with your partner open. 
If you have a busy schedule, make time in the morning to text or call each other good morning then at the end of your day, speak to each other about your day and say good night, if you can.. Pray together. 

2. Work around your schedules - One of yo my May be busier than the other so endure that you make time for your partner. Don't make them feel like they're always last on your to-do list and don't slack by failing to communicate like you usually do because this will start to take a toll on your relationship, so warn your partner if you're gonna be busy and  If you have to, schedule a regular time in your diary to communicate when you're free, make it a date with your partner. 

3. Plan visits as often as you can - As much as I hate saying this.. A Relationship can not survive on phone calls, texts and emails alone. You need physical contact with your partner so it won't hurt if you guys plan on seeing each other when you can. This will give you and your partner something to look forward to and strengthen your relationship. When you're together you can do various things such as: 

• Go to your favourite restaurant
• Spend quality time indoors catching up on a few things *wink,wink* 
• Visit new places 
• Introduce each other's friends and family if possible - These are the people that help your partner in your relationship when you aren't around 
4. Get to know each other -! 
you'll have to spend some time really getting to know and understand your partner. When talking to your partner, take note of things they enjoy the most (hobbies, day-to-day activities, etc.), and do a little research on it so you have more to do when you see them next. Knowing each other's preferences will also help when you want to exchange gifts.
  • For example: If your partner likes to dance, find the location of different clubs where you will see them next. If you don't know how to dance, take lessons and you will impress them by your willingness to make an effort on their behalf

  • 5. Create trust. Just as with traditional relationships, trust is incredibly important. Avoid temptations. Try your best to be faithful, lest you destroy the trust on which your relationship relies. Avoid putting yourself in situations where you would be tempted, and let your partner know that there's nothing to worry about. *Don't be too anxious or jealous if you don't always know what they are doing. A little space is harmless and will definitely keep things to make sure you are both clear on the nature of the relationship
  •  6. Understand what you haveNaming your relationship (dating, seeing each other, boyfriend-girlfriend, engaged) as well as defining exclusivity (limited to one person) can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line. Stating your end goals and expectations will allow you both to work together to build the relationship you want.
  • Example: "Are you open to relocating if the relationship becomes more serious?" or "What are you looking to get out of this relationship?"
  • 7. Talk about your future together- Assuming that ultimately you'd want to live together, discussing how you're going to get to that point will help you prove to each other that the relationship is going somewhere and that your efforts and frustrations are not in vain.
    • Figure out who is moving so that you can be together. Will you both move, or just one? Think ahead to a career for the partner who is moving.
    • Decide on a reasonable target time for the move. What must first be finished before you can start your new lives together? Do either of you need to end a lease, sell a home, quit a job, or give notice to housemates in order to move?
    Talk through doubts, uncertainty, and fear together. Explore the scary and difficult subjects along with the good. Talk is your best way to keep together across the distance. Use it to explore your feelings together honestly. 
I have more but can't think right now so hope that helps 

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